This prize is for big businesses that train and integrate young people and contribute to improving their employability within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals mentioned above.

The prize is for:

  • dual training projects.
  • entrepreneurial projects.
  • research projects that study or promote the employability of young people.
  • youth integration initiatives.
  • professional careers dedicated to the integration of disadvantaged and/or excluded groups.
  • business design projects.
  • awareness actions and campaigns aimed at promoting actions that lead to commitments by the various agents to promote youth employment within the framework of the 4 SDGs mentioned above.
  • programmes that support youth integration.
  • a corporate culture aimed at youth integration.
  • any other good practice designed to “not leave anyone behind”.



The Jury will base the pre-selection process and its final decision on the following criteria:



One or more of these elements may be considered:

  1. Transparency (ease with which workers can access the information and knowledge about the organisation, the quality of the information shared, and their participation in preparing the information).
  2. How the organisation produces and structures new knowledge and involves the workers.
  3. Shared leadership (regarding goals, targets, strategies, indicators, and processes).



One or more of these elements may be considered:

  1. A consistent approach.
  2. Outstanding actions leading to the professional integration of young people.
  3. Systems of participation and cooperation with stakeholders when designing and developing the proposal/activity.
  4. Previous career and/or acknowledgements.



One or more of these elements may be considered:

  1. Key activity and/or results indicators.
  2. Sustained and/or growing trend over at least three years.



One or more of these elements may be considered:

  1. Level of response to the social need of youth employability.
  2. Impact on the local economy and/or on the local social well-being.
  3. Degree of scalability, growth potential of the proposal.
  4. Innovative features of the proposal.